Core Concepts
You can learn about Staking on the official Solana documentation
SOL token holders can earn rewards and help secure the network by staking tokens to one or more validators. Rewards for staked tokens are based on the current inflation rate, total number of SOL staked on the network, and an individual validator’s uptime and commission (fee).
public class CreateAccountAndInitializeStakeExample : IExample
private static readonly IRpcClient rpcClient = ClientFactory.GetClient(Cluster.TestNet);
private const string MnemonicWords =
"clerk shoe noise umbrella apple gold alien swap desert rubber truck okay twenty fiscal near talent drastic present leg put balcony leader access glimpse";
public void Run()
var wallet = new Wallet.Wallet(new Mnemonic(MnemonicWords));
rpcClient.RequestAirdrop(wallet.Account.PublicKey, 100_000_000);
RequestResult<ResponseValue<BlockHash>> blockHash = rpcClient.GetRecentBlockHash();
ulong minbalanceforexception = rpcClient.GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(StakeProgram.StakeAccountDataSize).Result;
Account fromAccount = wallet.Account;
Account stakeAccount = wallet.GetAccount(22);
Authorized authorized = new Authorized()
Staker = fromAccount,
Withdrawer = fromAccount
Lockup lockup = new Lockup()
Custodian = fromAccount.PublicKey,
Epoch = 0,
UnixTimestamp = 0
Console.WriteLine($"BlockHash >> {blockHash.Result.Value.Blockhash}");
byte[] tx = new TransactionBuilder()
minbalanceforexception + 42,
.Build(new List<Account> { fromAccount, stakeAccount });
Console.WriteLine($"Tx base64: {Convert.ToBase64String(tx)}");
RequestResult<ResponseValue<SimulationLogs>> txSim = rpcClient.SimulateTransaction(tx);
string logs = Examples.PrettyPrintTransactionSimulationLogs(txSim.Result.Value.Logs);
Console.WriteLine($"Transaction Simulation:\n\tError: {txSim.Result.Value.Error}\n\tLogs: \n" + logs);
RequestResult<string> firstSig = rpcClient.SendTransaction(tx);
Console.WriteLine($"First Tx Result: {firstSig.Result}");